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You got this!

overwhelm Dec 12, 2022

Hello Friend,

I found myself anxious to get back here with you this week.  Maybe because, for someone who might find themselves totally overwhelmed, a week can feel like a month of time!  Am I right?  I just didn't want you to have to go so long before you heard someone say to you -  You Got This!  

In today's blog I'm going to share a story.  Hope that's ok.


Matthew and Christopher were two young men who attended a small-town high school near the foothills of the Rockies.  One was a football player, the other a valuable member in the band.  Matthew had grown up in this little town and well, Christopher had just moved there recently.  Neither had really met the other, but every Saturday they shared the same high school football field.  One playing ball, the other playing band.

Each Saturday, one mom’s voice in that small stadium, could be heard above all the rest!

Matthew, Matthew, Matthew!  Go son Go!!!  That’s my boy!  Did you see that?  That’s MY Boy!  Matthew, Matthew, Matthew!  Go son Go!!!

This became a ritual with every game and a point of amusement for all the other fans around.  All except the player himself that is. After all, who wants their mom to be the point of amusement for your entire school?  Not Matthew!  “Mom, I appreciate your support and all, but could you just tone it down, just a bit?”

Matthew’s mom would sheepishly say she was sorry and that she would try to do better next time.  You know, so as to not embarrass her son in front of the whole school again. But next game the same scenario would replay itself out once again.  Mom’s enthusiasm just couldn't keep from bubbling over for this boy she loved so much!  And Matthew's embarrassment would cause him to seek out a place to hide.  Not so easy when you’re one of the players on the field. 

It was hopeless.  There was nothing Matthew could do once the game started, to curb his mom’s enthusiasm!  He even considered quitting the squad just to save face and hopefully give people enough time before his senior year, to forget who his mother was.  But things only seemed to get worse and so did the embarrassment - that is, until Christopher came into the picture.  Which changed everything from that point on for Matthew.

After the game, as Matthew was putting his Tuba away, Christopher hesitantly came over to him and introduced himself.  “Hi, I’m Christopher.  I was just wondering, was that your mom cheering you on out there?” 

Matthew paused for just a moment, debating whether he could get away with denying he was related to that crazy women.  But he knew that would be pointless.  “Uh, ya.  Sorry about that.  Did that cause the fumble in the first half?  I’m so sorry if it did!”

Christopher looked down at the ground and shuffled his feet as if wanting to say something but just not able to form the words.  When he finally found his voice, Matthew had to lean in to hear the words Christopher was speaking in almost a whisper. 

“No, no, that’s not it. But I was wondering something.  I was wondering if you could ask your mom if she would mind cheering for me too?  I don’t really have anyone at the games to cheer for me like that.  I know that’s silly, but I just thought…”

Matthew felt ashamed.  All of the sudden he didn’t care that his mom was the only one out there cheering for a band member. He realized, not everyone has someone like his mom that cares enough to be there and cheer them on.

The next game Matthew's mom could be found in the stands  where she always was. Cheering as she always did.  Her voice, heard once again above all the rest.  There she was. Yelling at the top of her lungs. The crowd, smiling in amusement. And Matthew, busting with pride for a mom that made HIM smile so big he could hardly blow that big tuba.

"Matthew!  Christopher!  Matthew!  Christopher!  Go sons Go!  Those are my boys!  Did you see that?  Those are MY boys!  Matthew!  Christopher!  Matthew!  Christopher!  Go sons Go!"


We all need a cheerleader like that in our life, don't we!  Oh, what am I saying!  We have one!  God is the one that loves us enough to always be there for us.  And, maybe you've never thought of it this way, but he is the one cheering the loudest for you!  He knows you've got this!  Mostly because he's got you, always in his care!  No matter what role you've been given to play on this field of life today - God is there cheering you on! 

"For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty Savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs." Zephaniah 3:17

I don't know about you - but that sounds like a great cheerleader to me! 

This is Coach Teri - fulfilling my purpose so you can fulfill yours.

 Just One More Thing

Maybe you need someone today to just cheer you on.  Well, just so happens, that's one of my favorite things to do!   I would love to meet you and cheer you on through your journey of overwhelm. It's pretty easy to reach me too.  Just click on the link below.  

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