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Share the Journey

the journey Nov 17, 2022

Hey Friend,

If you're a new friend today, welcome.  If you are a follower, well, thanks for coming back.  Of course I don't know if I can, in the blogging world, officially call you a follower yet, with this being only my second blog ever. But then again, why not?!  Since I don't know much about this fascinating art yet, I figure all's fair in love & blogging, right?

Do you enjoy traveling?  I love it!  I haven't had much opportunity to travel over seas yet (I think my fear of flying might have something to do with that!) but I have gotten to take some pretty amazing journeys. Anywhere I can get by foot, bus, train, boat or car - I'm in!  And I have to admit, I thought my adventures would always be confined to the lower 48 but thanks to the amazing world of cars & cruise ships, I have been able to travel to Hawaii, Alaska and some beautiful neighboring countries like Mexico and Canada - absolutely breath taking! 

Several years back, my husband and I took off a couple of summers to throw caution to the wind and just travel wherever the winds may blow. It was both thrilling and scary, but left us with a book full of memories. However, the journey was nothing like what we expected. The various twist and turns we experienced along the way taught us both a lot about the nature of life's journey and what an individual may experience in their own unique travels through life.   

It is never a straight road, never without unexpected storms that can sometimes get you stranded and stuck in some pretty scary places.  And full of twist and turns that can sometimes bring you to a place you never intended to go. In our summer travels, we experienced all the above.  And in my life's journey I can say the experience has been the same.

When I found myself several years ago nursing my wounds caused from overwhelm and burnout, I realized that the path I was on held an unexpected roadblock that made it virtually impassable.  I could no longer go where I wanted to go and I had no idea where I was headed.  What was once an easy journey of purpose and joy now felt like a road to nowhere.  And it felt like I was lost in the middle of the desert with no one to ask directions.

I remember traveling on my own one time to Wyoming with my young children.  This was before the days of the gps and all I had to rely on was my husband's directions -  which to him, were perfectly clear. But to a directionally challenged person like me, it might as well have been written in greek.  Don't say North, South, East or West to me. My navigation system only functions with lefts or rights, especially at night or on a cloudy day. 

So this particular night, I was truly in the middle of nowhere. I had already turned around several times and was now at the point of fighting to keep my panic down - for the sake of the children. As I came to another ghost town - where I was beginning to believe were the only residents that lived here as well - I saw something in my rear view mirror that, in normal circumstances, would have struck terror in me.  However, this particular night I was sooooooo happy to see that there was even human life still on this planet.  I quickly slowed down, put the car in park and waited for the cop to come up to my window and pronounce judgement on me for my careless speeding through his deserted town. 

I think my response caught him off guard though.  As he approached, I thanked him profusely for stopping me!  "Give me as many tickets as you want officer!  Just please tell me where I am and how to get out of here!!!!"

Long story short - he smiled, saw my desperation, heard my cry for help and gave me what I needed to get on my way and back to home (where I never wanted to leave again) - at least not by myself!!! Oh, and no, he didn't give me a ticket - even though I'm sure I deserved it!

I'm pretty sure you know where I'm going with this by now, right?  If life has hit you with some unexpected twist and turns; if you're on a journey where nothing looks familiar any more and you feel completely lost, I'm here to tell you - I've been there in real time AND in life!  

During my journey through overwhelm, I needed those directions and the reassurance that I was not alone on my journey, I found my unltimate guide and companion through Jesus.  When I thought I had somehow stepped away from God's presence I would take comfort from his word, such as  Psalms 73:23 (msg) "I'm still in your presence, but you've taken my hand.  You wisely and tenderly lead me, and then you bless me."  Or from 2 Samuel 14:14 (NLT) "... But God doesn't just sweep life away; instead, he devises ways to bring us back when we have been separated from him."  

Did you catch that most amazing ending to that text?  He devises ways to bring us back!!!  Isn't that an amazing comfort for anyone who has gotten lost on their journey and separated themselves from God?

I cannot pretend to know what in life has overwhelmed you or set you on a completely different journey than what you thought or chose.  But what I do know and want to remind you today is that you do not have to travel alone!!!!!  God knows the area, and just like that cop whose town I drove into, this is God's world your traveling and he knows how to help you navigate through your own unique journey.  

Take courage my friend.  You do not have to travel alone!

See you again next week!

Coach Teri                                                                                                                                                      Fulfilling my purpose so you can fulfill yours.  



If you are tired and discouraged on your own journey, I would love to connect with you personally.  Just click the link below and let's find a time to talk.

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