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Drowning in overwhelm

overwhelm Nov 21, 2022

Hello Friend,

When I was looking for a blog image to go with this particular blog on overwhelm, there was no doubt - †his was the one.  This is what it feels like and what it looks like, at least from my previous experience with overwhelm.

It can be a place where our cries for help feel muffled beneath the surface of the waters.  Our reach for someone to rescue us, misunderstood by those looking on.  And our ability to keep treading water begin to give way to our desperate need to catch our breath again.   

I know that anyone who has ever found themselves in a place of overwhelm, will probably agree with my assessment.  And it doesn't matter what causes the overwhelm or whether it's circumstantial or self-inflicted. Once your there, it all feels the same.

I looked up the definition of overwhelm for the sake of this blog and what I found (as someone who has experienced it) was a wow moment.  If you are wondering if you are suffering with overwhelm - all you need to do is consult Webster.  I think you will find he has it tagged pretty well.

                 o'ver-whelm' vt. 1 to pour down upon and bury beneath   2 to crush; overpower

Overwhelm is very clever in its takeover of our lives. It can move in slowly and take up residence without ever alerting you or your family to its intentions. It doesn't usually ask your permission to move in or to stay.  And, it wants to become a permanent part of your life where it can have say in your health, your relationships, your emotional well-being and your spiritual walk.  Which, by the way, will be one of the key areas that holds the key to your journey out of overwhelm and back to a life of balance, joy and purpose.

So, what is the purpose of my blog today?  What encouragement can I give you that will give you hope †hat this intruder will leave a-packin'? (I don't even know if that's a legit phrase but it's the best word picture I got at this time).  Of course overwhelm is not something that moves out voluntarily and will certainly hold on to that bedpost as long as it can.  But trust me, it will leave.  And a good place to get it to start releasing its grip is in God's word.  So today I want you to take courage from Psalms 142:1-3 (NLT) where David (the psalmist) has a great place for us to start.

I cry out to the LORD; I plead for the LORD'S mercy. I pour out my complaints before him and tell him all my troubles. When I am overwhelmed, you alone know the way I should turn.

Always Remember...                                                                                                                                       Even in the midst of your journey through overwhelm, you are still - chosen4purpose.  See you again next week my friend! 'Till then...

This is Coach Teri - fulfilling my purpose so you can fulfill yours.



If you feel stuck in your overwhelm and need to speak with a christian coach whose been there, I would love to connect with you personally. Just click the link below and let's talk.

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