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Hope for 2023 - Clearing the Clutter Within

clutter Jan 02, 2023

Hey Friends,

In case you didn't notice, there are a few blogs missing.  That's because I slipped back into my "teacher" mode and allowed myself a full two weeks off for the holidays. But I'm back now and actually missed all of you.  I hope you allowed yourself some time off as well.  I'm pretty sure you deserved it!  Especially if you fit any of the descriptions of my typical reader - 

My typical reader (is this you?)

tired, overworked (& underpaid, right?) stressed; disappointed with the turn your life has taken; overwhelmed with all the demands put on you and struggling to balance all the different areas of your life.  Maybe you're a disillusioned Christian just looking for purpose and relevance in the church today.  Or maybe you're a 50+ believing the lies of age and giving in to the fears that you are beyond impact.   And still others struggle with purpose and direction after experiencing burnout that has taken their passion away and left them with no purpose or direction.  Of course, these are just some of the situations I know you, my readers, find yourself in.

So how did you come through the holidays?  Do you find yourself facing the new year with dread instead of energy and hope?  

Let's talk Clutter

Today I want to talk about clutter.  Clutter, you might not have recognized, as a big part of your life going into the holidays. But it's this same clutter, that has stayed around to inhabit the new year and all it could offer for you.  This kind of clutter is what creates the many different situations my readers find themselves in and it's what keeps us all stuck and from moving forward to new goals and purpose.

You might have guessed by now, I'm not talking about environmental clutter - although internal clutter can certainly be a catalyst to the outward.  Don't get me wrong. Physical clutter can certainly add to your stress and overwhelm, but it is usually just a visual symptom of the clutter that is going on inside.   

I saw this first hand as I raised a daughter who struggled with ADHD and often times found herself overwhelmed with just life itself.  As she got older, she would try to get her physical surroundings organized so she could feel some sort of calm and order to her days.  However, I would notice that when she struggled most with her "internal" clutter - false beliefs, comparisons, self loathing, etc... her environmental clutter would show back up in an even more chaotic way.  This would almost always plunge her deeper into overwhelm and chaos, as she struggled to face the many challenges that ADHD can bring. 

Maybe you've found yourself in the same situation. Not necessarily dealing with ADHD of course, but trying to clean up your outward clutter, when really, it's only a symptom of the inward.  Well, let me bring you hope for this new year.  There is a way to release the clutter from within.  Now, I know I can't provide all the answers for you in a simple blog.  Well, actually, I can't provide any answers for you in any of the blogs - but I do know who can.  And, I don't know you well enough to know what clutter lies "within" - but i do know who does. 

A Good Place to Start

So here is a place for you to start. Step deep into your soul today and have a look around.  Then, allow God in there with you to help you see the clutter, even better.  Now, pick up just one item and begin your journey toward releasing and clearing the clutter that lies within.  God doesn't ask us to clear out the clutter all at once.  Some of that clutter has been there since childhood.  But one thing I can promise you today.  If you even just pick it up and hand it to God, not having a clue what to do with it - he will!  He knows exactly how to get rid of it.  And while you're learning how to sweep out all this old clutter, he has promised to carry the heaviest items for you.  Listen to his words, rephrased from The Message.  

A God Place to Start

"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life.  I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it.  Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." the Message.

So, my new friends, here's to the new year.  Here's to clearing out the clutter within.  And here's to living your best life with your best friend - the one who desires you to live a life void of clutter. 

This is Coach Teri - fulfilling my purpose so you can fulfill yours!                                                                                            

One More Thing...

If you are needing to clear out the clutter within but need someone to help you discover what that might be for you and how to do that, I would love to speak with you personally.  Just click the link below to find out how we can best connect.

 Let's connect