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Chosen 4 Purpose

purpose Nov 17, 2022

Hello my new friends.

I'm Coach Teri. And I guess I might as well confess right now - this is my very first blog!  Ever!  And, unfortunately, I have already experienced my first big blunder - I didn't save what I had been writing on for the past two hours!  (don't worry, that was really only about 3 paragraphs anyways) 

So, here I am again.  Starting over but with even more jumbled thoughts than I started with. Wow. This blogging thing is harder than I thought!  So that's why I'm going to just forget the formalities here and just share my heart and a little bit of who I am, if that's ok with you.

Like I mentioned, I'm Coach Teri.  But the title I love most to use is - Teri, God's beloved child, who has been chosen for a very special purpose in this, my final season of life.  (I'm 62 in case you were curious what that meant) 

And today's purpose? - well, to simply help another of God's "chosen" (that's you) to see that you were formed and created by a God who has purpose for each of his creations. Check this out.  It's from David (sorry, I don't have a last name), but I know he was a pretty famous king from back in a time when God's people understood what it was like to be "chosen for a purpose".   Here's what his words were to God...

"You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb.  Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!  Your workmanship is marvelous-how well I know it.  You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed."

Wow. If God takes that much care shaping us in the womb before we are even born - rest assured, he has created each of us for a very unique, "God ordained" purpose.  And before you even became a living cell in your mom's womb, he chose you  to be that baby. And, even more awesome, he signed his workmanship with a most unique DNA that only you possess. 

I don't know If you've had anything in your life that has caused you to question this.  I'm just guessing that you have - since you're here reading a blog about being chosen for purpose. However, I do know that in my own life, there was a time when I felt discarded instead of chosen; irrelevant instead of impactful; fearful instead of confident that God still had a purpose for my life.

Can I share with you something that I've learned over my journey of 62 years?  God will never discard you!  And, as long as you still have breath in your body - God has purpose for your being!  

I want to end this blog today with a text that God gave to me in my struggle to believe that.  I took this text very personal because that's how God delivered it to me.  So, even though the psalmist wrote it in first person, I am taking the liberty of writing it the way my heart heard it straight from God. Why don't you put  your own name in there and claim this promise as yours today.  It's actually a text that all of God's own can claim. 

But as for you, (Teri), my chosen friend. I have called you back from the ends of the earth saying 'You are my servant' for I have chosen you and will not throw you away.  Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.

"Chosen" for a purpose. That's really the only way it works.  If something is "chosen" - it is always for a purpose.  Let that soak in for just a moment. Are you beginning to understand why this can be personal for you as well? God said he chose YOU.  And if he chose you, then you were indeed chosen for purpose.

Well, we did it.  With God's help and lots of making sure I "saved" my work every sentence or two (lesson learned!) we have started our blogging journey together.  Thank you so much for showing up.  I look forward to sharing so much more with you in the future.  Until then...

I challenge you to live as one -  chosen4purpose.


See you again next week! Until then...

I'm Coach Teri - fulfilling my purpose so you can fulfill yours.  



If you are struggling especially hard with purpose and meaning in your life today, I would love to connect with you personally.  Just click the link below and let's talk.

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