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A Birthday Revelation

Feb 04, 2023

Hey Friend,

I usually write my blogs on Monday's.  However, today is different.  It's my 63rd birthday and God woke me up with more blessings and thoughts that I know what to do with.  So, I decided I better come up here and put them into my next blog so you can share in that with me.

Last night, I told my husband I thought I was a little depressed thinking about turning another year older.  After all, re-inventing yourself in your 60's is hard work, and what's it for, really?  Does anyone really want to listen to a woman in her 60's ramble on about life?  Actually, now that I think of it - I was a real downer last night and not a lot of fun to be around, I'm sure.  

However, today I woke up hearing God singing "Happy Birthday" just to me.  Well, metaphorically that is.  His birthday gift to me was the best! (sorry honey - I did love those flowers you brought home too)

Thoughts, ideas and possibilities for the years ahead were coming at me faster than I could write them down.  I felt God's incredible love, hope for an unsure future, and peace in my soul that only God can bring.  I realized that God was still giving me the gift he had given me every day of my life prior - the gift of unending new beginnings and new mercies that I can tap into until my journey here is finished. 

Greatest Revelation

But the greatest revelation he gave me this morning was this.  As long as I have breath in my body, God has purpose for my life.  I began to think about that old saying - you're only as old as you "feel".  Or was the word look? (Oh boy, I'm in trouble on that one)  But I'm going with "feel" here.   Only because that's what I was feeling yesterday - VERY OLD!  However, the revelation came to me early this morning as I looked into the mirror - this is NOT a true statement. I will not buy into this old and worn out saying anymore!  And here's why. 

No matter how old I "feel", 29 or 89, reality is - I am still 63 today!  I believe we are better served if we think of it this way.  No matter how old you are - You are NEVER TOO OLD to make a difference in someone's life!  

Never Too Old!

When I was younger, I served for a short time as a chaplain in a hospital.  I was assigned to the nursing home wing. I remember going into a room of an older couple where the wife had suffered a debilitating stroke.  All she could do was look at me with her eyes, so full of wisdom and life experiences, and mumble words that only she could understand.  Or so I thought. 

Standing next to her bed, and holding her fragile hand in his, was her elderly husband of many years. He looked into those very same eyes I had looked into, and listened with his heart - understanding every word she was saying that day. 

I know those two people coming to the end of their journey here on earth, had no idea the impact they were making on this young chaplain's life that day.  But I assure you, it was significant.  And it helped shape so many perspectives and thoughts I now use in my ministry today.  Never too old to make a difference, right?!!!!! 

I also see in my minds eye, as though it was yesterday, the sweet old lady rolling down the hallway, giving out tracks about the love of God to anyone willing to accept them. But that wasn't all she was giving out.  She was also handing out smiles. Smiles that would melt even the hardest of hearts. That smile did more for me that day than she could have ever imagined. And it encouraged me to go out and do the same for others. After all, how hard is a smile to give out? Never too old to make a difference, right?!!!!! 

My Favorite Gift

So, that revelation was my favorite gift today.  Oh, that, and the text God had me discover later in my worship time with him. I opened my bible to the psalms and there it was.  One last gift God had tucked away just for me!  And, in typical God fashion, the text my eyes fell on, without even having to turn the page, was this...

"You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can't even count them; they outnumber the grains of the sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me."

Happy Birthday my friend.  Even though your birth may not have been on February 4 like mine, God celebrates your birth everyday.  And remember - You may be as old as you feel. (or not)  But you will NEVER be too old to make a difference in someone else's life!!!!!!

This is Coach Teri - fulfilling my purpose so you can fulfill yours.


One more thing....

No, this one's for free.  We'll talk one more thing next time.  Today, I just want to give you that smile you can pass on to someone else and make a difference in their life.