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4 R's to Remember

balance joy purpose Nov 28, 2022

Hey Friend,

Everyone who resides in a state of overwhelming needs to "do" one thing and get back 3.  What are they?Well, they're what I like to call - the 4 R's.

Release clutter   Regain balance    Restore purpose   Reclaim joy

Susan was (ok, still is) a perfectionist.  Now, that might not impress any of you who live life from a different point of view.  But, if you are one yourself,(a perfectionist) or you live with one, you know why that's all I need to say. 

Now if you are not familiar with what a perfectionist lives with on a daily basis, let me enlighten you.  People used to think Susan was, well, how do I say this gently? A control Freak!  But much to her relief, she discovered that the true "control" freaks are not threatened by being called that and are actually proud of that title.  This was not the case with Susan.  She cringed every time someone put that title on her.  The truth is, perfectionist are NOT controlling, they simply want to just get everything right!  Perfect, to put it another way.

Even though Susan was mostly from "perfect" country.  She also had another place that she spent a lot of her time.  "Fun" country.   In her younger years, she resided in fun country almost all the time, and yes, she lived there with her husband, who was also from fun country.   In fact, Susan met him there while in high school.  They fell in love of course and decided to make a home of their own together.  

When both were in Fun country, their life was, well, really fun.  Together, they were the life of the party - at least at home. But then, over the years, life happened.  Each one began to visit their other countries more often and stay there for longer periods of time.  

For Susan, she began to see this begin to take it's toll on her overall well-being, as well as every area of her life that mattered most to her.     

Her obsessive need to do everything right,  eventually brought her to a point of burnout, that would then put into motion a whole new set of problems.  

Susan desperately wanted, but didn't quite know how, to Release the emotional clutter that seemed to be holding her in a constant state of overwhelm. She desperately wanted to Regain balance in her life that she lost in all the chaos surrounding her. Susan wondered if she would ever be able to Reclaim her joy again. And, she needed her purpose Restored.

By now, you've probably guessed that this story is not really about a girl named Susan. It's mine.  And parts of it is probably yours as well.  Am I Right?

God has a way for you to do, and get back, each one of those 4 R's in your life!  I have a theme text for my coaching business that I want each one of you who are struggling with overwhelm, to borrow today.  It's not a long one. And it's really one that could be easily overlooked by those just passing through the psalms.  But, for those of us who are trapped in our chaos, it's one we can find both direction and encouragement from.  It is found in Psalm 142:3 (NLT) and simply says...

"When I am overwhelmed, you alone know the way I should turn."

The psalmist, of course, was talking to God.  The one that, when you don't know how or what to do anymore, knows what direction you should turn.  There is an answer to your dilemma (even if you're a perfectionist like me).  And as you rely on God to show you the way you should turn now, remember...

With every turn, your getting yet another step closer to Releasing, Regaining, Restoring and Reclaiming!

 I look forward to seeing you again next week!

Coach Teri                                                                                                                                                      Fulfilling my purpose so you can fulfill yours.  



If you want to know more about those 4 R's and how you can implement them back into your life, I would love to connect with you personally.  Just click the link below and let's find a time to talk.

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