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Place of Worship

joy Jan 09, 2023

Hey Friend,

Just a quick question before we get started. Have you been to your place of worship today?

This week's blog comes from my "worship pastor" side, which is often my favorite place to hang.  A few years ago, I got my masters in Music and Worship and have a very special place reserved in my heart for such topics.  

Not what you might think

However, in this blog, the "place of worship" I'm going to talk about, is probably not the same as the picture you conjured up when you read the title.  This place of worship doesn't necessarily have 4 walls surrounding it. There are no greeters or bulletins to be handed out. And, there are no locks on the door. This is a place you can step into anywhere, anytime. And I do mean anywhere or anytime!  In fact, people have even been known to enter this place in their cars while on their way to work.  

Sadly though, if the doors of this  "Place of Worship" were to be swung wide open, for some people sitting in their traditional place of worship, you might just find it empty and void of a worshiper at all.  

That's because, for some of us, worship is just a place.  A noun that describes where we go to watch a program that may or may not be entertaining enough to keep us awake.  

A new place to worship

No, the place I'm referring to cannot be confined to brick and mortar.   Remember the story of the Samaritan Woman that met Jesus at the well.  She brought up this question -  Why did the Jews insist that Jerusalem was the only place of worship, while Samaritans claimed it was right there, at Mount Gerizim, where their ancestors used to worship.  Jesus' Answer to this woman's question is key to understanding the point of this blog today...

"Believe me, dear woman, the time is coming when it will no longer matter whether you worship the Father on this mountain or in Jerusalem....But the time is coming-indeed it's here now- when TRUE worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth.  The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way."

You see, those who worship in spirit and in truth, have no need of a building to do so. Since worship springs from the heart, and your heart will always be where you are, then doesn't it just make sense to say that wherever you are when you choose to worship, becomes your Place of Worship. Which brings us full circle to the question I first asked - Have you been to your place of worship today?  

The Blessing comes back

That's really the point of this blog.  Just to remind you that as you deal with your everyday challenges, you can step into that Place of Worship any time you need to step into the presence of God. And you can draw from so many of the blessings that come from worshiping in spirit and in truth. 

It's really quite amazing what true worship does for our own souls. It reminds us that God is God and we are not. It takes the focus off of our weaknesses and failures and places it on a God of strength and power. When we worship in spirit and in truth, it becomes a spontaneous expression of our hearts to the creator that has been so faithful. And it's in that place of worship that you will receive an even greater blessing in return!  Don't miss out on your blessing today!    

Until next time my friend...

This is Coach Teri - fulfilling my purpose so you can fulfill yours. 


One more thing...

If you are tired of trying to meet and juggle all the challenges this life can throw at you; if you've reached a point of overwhelm and just don't know where to turn anymore - I would love to speak with you.  The link below will guide you to a place where you can schedule a free discovery coaching session with me.  Maybe it's time that you share the journey you're on with someone whose been there before.